Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Whether it is Epic or History, if you glance across the various aspects of the people, during a war, you can surely find a number of rivers full of tears shed by women. Of course, there may be an ocean after the war. After all, “what is the power of these tears?”- It has been a mystery even to the scientists for a long time.

Being a little bit of sentimental, men are unable to-“help themselves, from helping women”, when they shower tears on them. More simply-“Women’s tears do tear Men’s heart”. Some people say ‘It is a weakness of a man and the strength of a woman’. However it is universally accepted that when a girl weeps in front of a man, his heart melts. As science has been so amicable, to touch everything-“Why should it leave this subject..??!!”. Here is a scientific approach to the subject!!!

The amount of that part of the heart, which melts is called ‘the critical amount’ of the heart. This is usually denoted by ‘Q’ and its SI unit is Kg. Further the amount of that part of the heart melted per second is called the rate of melting of that heart which is denoted by R with SI unit Kg/sec.

As the rate of melting of the heart is dependent on the rate of shedding of tears, sometimes a quality called, ‘Critical point of melting’ is also used. It is measured in litters and is defined as the quantity of tears shed, at which melting of heart starts. Its value depends on the mentality of the man. The amount of tears to be shed in order to raise the rate of melting of the heart, by one unit at its critical point of melting, is called latent tear of fusion of the heart. Its unit is lit/Kg sec.

As an early approach to the subject, a team of experts working in the Wiseman’s laboratory, UK, suggested a rule namely, Wiseman’s rule.

According to Wiseman’s rule,

Rate of melting of a man’s heart is directly proportional to,

  • the amount of tear shed by the girl (ɳ)
  • the beauty of the girl (β)

and inversely proportional to

  • the age of the girl (α)
  • the length of the girl( l)
  • the breadth of the girl(b)


R α ɳβ/αlb as length x breadth= Area

we have,

R= τ ɳβ/αA

where τ is a constant tear constant whose value is dependent on the girls.

But the value of R by this method does not satisfy the laboratory values.

Later on Betterman individually, suggested some corrections to the Wiseman’s rule. According him, the law of limiting factors is applicable to the above rule. According to this law, when a process is conditioned as to its rapidity, by a number of separate factors, the rate of the process is limited by the pace of the slowest factor.

Thus according to the wise-Better man’s rule,

“Under the constant pressure of mind, the rate of the melting of the heart of a normal man, is directly proportional to the product of the amount of the tears shed by the girl(ɳ), and the beauty of the girl(β) and is inversely proportional to the product of the age of the girl (α) and area of the girl(A), with in the limit”.


1) It has both the upper and the lower limits.

2) As both the limit and β are physiological quantities, exact values can not be derived.

3) β and ɳ have to be experimentally derived, which is the most hectic task in the whole process.

4) For stony hearts, rate of melting is also measured on gm/sec.

5) The amount of tears shed per second is called rate of shedding of tears.

6) Critical amount of the heart is independent of the rate of shedding of tears.

8) Betterman’s correction has succeeded only in reaching a near laboratory value.

9) Apart from the correction, the value being in accurate and deviating clearly indicates that the real strength of the tears can not be traced accurately.

7). There may be exemptions to these rules.

1 comment:

~: яαтнηαкαя :~ said...

Hai, its the one which is der in the college magazines.......