Thursday, November 6, 2008

Theory of Attraction of a Boy and a Girl-a scientific fun….!

Hey friends, you may have seen so many occasions, where a boy and a girl- “who are simply friends”, getting fired by the jaundiced eyes of our shameless society. There are very few “friends” who can carelessly ignore such things. Anyway, here is an attempt to explain such a friendship and the factors affecting it-quite scientifically, just for fun -J.

Let us consider two oppositely charged particles at A and B and two more packets of like and unlike charges, together at C and D representing the group of friends of A and B respectively. Let E and F represent the concerned societies, so that they maintain the equilibrium between the charges A and B, which represent a Boy and a Girl respectively.

O- Null/Neutral point A-Boy B-Girl

C & D –Their friends E and F – The societies

The above figure shows the “ideal equilibrium state” of the boy and the girl-between and also with their friends and also mutually with the societies. The relation between them, only at the equilibrium state is termed as “friendship”. The required separation is achieved due to the other charges or factors.

If this equilibrium is lost, then the following two possibilities are expected,

© The charges A and B will move away i.e. the friendship will break


© The charge A and B will come closer i.e. the friendship will turn into love which may ultimately lead to marriage.

The repulsion Theory of Breaking of Friendship:

© The major factor which disturbs the equilibrium is “the friends”. If they become jealous of them or start doubting them of if they provoke /misguide/mislead them to hate each other.

© All of a sudden, if the society becomes very strict, then it will be very crucial for them to maintain the relation at equilibrium.

© However another chance of, they becoming doubtful about themselves, is also expected.

All the three reasons mentioned above will inturn develop some kind of like charges in any one or in both of them which will result in repulsions. Ultimately the friendship will break.

Balancing at the Repulsion:

© If they, themselves train them to overcome all disturbances and to neglect the “barking dogs” or by discussing with them, first case can be overcome.

© Here they have to be very careful as they are dealing with a mass of people. It’s only their friends who can help them, to avoid the second case.

© No solution for the third case, except “direct and open discussion of misunderstanding or doubts, with the other.

The Attraction theory of Unsaturated Love:

© When they know more and more of each other, their “state of mentality” may change. This increases the charges by a slighter amount. Once the charge increases, they get more and more attracted.

The increase in charge happens due to,

* Admiring one another on realising their real worth

* Feeling pity at the other’s problems

* By showing too much of concern to one

* Physical attraction

© When their friends encourage/ provoke them, from one side or both the sides.

If same numbers of friends start encouraging and discouraging at a time, no direct effect will be observed, still an oscillating state may occur, as they may encounter a confused state of mind.

© If the society loosens the control or strictness on them.

All the three cases mentioned above will increase the charges, which will result in attraction. Mostly it is referred to be love. But it should note that all attractions do not lead to “perfect love”. Many other possibilities are also expected.

Balancing at the attraction:

© The first case discussed above can be overcome up to a certain extent, if the society and friends give the required moral support to them.

© If they themselves develop enough moral power to overcome the disturbances.

© It is regarded as a very hard task to overcome the third case, as the greatest charge is suddenly losing the control over them. They have to struggle maximum for balancing else it will surely lead to collision.

The law of Angles:

If the parallelism between the controlling factors is suddenly disturbed due to unknown reasons, the two charges may result in collapse with a certain angle namely-“the angle of collision”, resulting in the disturbance of “the normal friendship”

There is a particular angle for which the collision leads to absolute friendship, the corresponding angle is termed as angle of absolute friendship. If they collide in an angle lesser than this, it will lead to the breakage of the friendship. And if the angle is greater than this, then it will lead to infatuation or love. The angle at which absolute love is achieved is called the absolute angle of love.

The Theory of Absolute friendship:

The extreme state of friendship can be referred as the state at which the two charges are so close to each other such that the separation is infinitely small, within their state of true friendship.

At this state-any change in the charge will simultaneously effect the other due to, their infinite closeness. Due to their ‘togetherness’ for a longer time interval-a similar kind of charge develops in them, which inturn nullifies the opposite charges/thoughts in them, and they become like charges. But ‘the repulsion of the like charges’- can not be observed. They start to share everything between them and even the sex distinction vanishes between them at this state of relation-due to the nullified charges.

It’s a deviation from the actual laws of electrostatics.

A few more things:

If both the charges increase/decrease at a time the effect will be more and the time required will be less.

If friendship breaks and a small enemity starts, due to any misunderstanding, it can be referred as-‘Confused Momentary State (CMS). It is a special case of the charges where they are momentarily similarised to repel each other!!.

Absolute friendship is the one where ‘any change in the system does not alter their relation’, as there is no chance of any misunderstanding. (They discuss everything openly, and nothing matters their friendship). Hence even a CMS is not possible at this state.

At this state though the separation is negligible, we are not allowed to approximate it to zero. It is zero only in the case of love-more specifically ‘absolute love’.

The absolute love or absolute friendship always occurs along the null points or neutral points of the above model.

Well, here I have tried to discuss the most divine relationship in the human world-Friendship, with some basic scientific facts. Though it’s illogical to compare science and emotions, for the analogy here I have given an analogy of electrostatics. I have tried to refer all my ideas with in the limit of the context, definitions, laws and scope of the topic. Anyway there may be many exceptions and there is no special reason to mention girl as a negative charge.

The best state of any human relationship is the absolute friendship, it is also the most crucial one-both to achieve and maintain. Whatever the relation it may be –maintain it at its absoluteness. Yeah, if you can’t follow the above discussed things- discuss it with your absolute friend…. J

Note: According to the laws of electrostatics,

Charges can nether be created, nor be destroyed

Like charges repel and unlike charges attract.

Lesser the distance, the more is the attraction or repulsion.

Hi friends, this is from the magazine "Mangalagange" :)

Memory of the Days

Oh! How were those moments!!

The bulk of unforgettable events,

The ‘sum of funnies’ to cherish,

Which will make us feel greenish,

Those days of un-follow-able Physics,

The loads of unforgettable Algorithms,

The struggle of Problems and Programs,

The thoughts of progress-less Processors,

The days of naughty Chem-mixings,

The micro-seconds of faulty Circuits,

The minutes of ‘Neaty’ Results…?!!

The fun of Nasty Smells n Hasty values!!

The registered memories and Queries….

The movements at Officers command,

The proofs of seniors’ leadership…..,

The ‘Wins’ of Scientific Brains…….

Proving – “Beauty Meets Brain”!!!

The snore of Sukhalatha………

The bore n roar of Chethana…..

The eyes of Harish, the hands of SB…

The smile of Gouri, Laugh of Prakash…

The guides of Indira, Heart of Aruna….

The lecture of VB, Nurture of Raghu,

The nature of Usha, Style of Nambiar,

The words of Raji, the Blessings of Leela,

The absence of Vrinda, Presence of Archana,

The language of Shyam, Thoughts of Pattabi…

The moments of Teases and Doses…..

Sometimes Care and Tears too…..

So from friends….So from lecturers…

How do we miss those memories…..

Moments of Songs and Dances….

The times of Poems and Poets…

The moments of Aviskaar….

Inventing the Interested Leaders…

‘Both by Birth and Worth….

Both by Words and Deeds….’

The days of Pains and Paints….

The days of Origin of Organisations..

The days-we skipped the meals and sleeps…

The days-we touched the Hearts….

Can we ever flush out those days…

When we smashed in Election…

When we invented the Inventors…

And Reinvented the Masters…..

When we dedicated to our ‘loved one’

How can we get and forget it…

The days we proved the Unity and Support,

By bringing the space into the wall…!!

The moments we put the light,

Into the Darkness-with delight…..!!!

We can never forget it, that’s for sure,

The moments of Wins n Victory,

When ‘Our Girls’ made us Pride…

Dominating everyone n everything,

And everywhere- I do swear.

We salute -The gains of Athletes,

And Pains of Sportspersons……!!!

The moments we fought for marks…

The moments we cared for remarks…

And a lot more and more….

The moment we ‘Ranked First’

And declared- ‘You are the Best’

Friends,-What else you want, next?!!

How can we miss those days…..

The days of funny trekking…

Caring and Sharing for the Cadets…

The days of Claps, the days of Slops,

The days of Clasps, the days of Slaps,

The days of Care; the days of Cheer,

The days of Snore; the days of Sneer,

The days of cleanings, the days of Appealings,

The days of Dealings; the days of Kneelings,

The days of Feelings; the days of healings,

The days of Swear; the days of Ignore,

The days of Kissings; the days of Missings,

The days of Confusion, the days of Confession,

The days of Strike; the days of fight,

The days of Holi; the beauty of Rangoli,

The days of Sports; the joy of Cricket,

The score of Runs; the shower of Funs.

How can we skip that- Infotech day,

Oh! So Sorry…. Cool night

With no Light…But delight.

Of Course- cold, still they were bold,

To win- our friends had told,

But sorry; Promises we didn’t hold.

They lost the battle, Still won the game,

They didn’t settle, still kept the name.

Once again the days of MCF,

Where we ourself said-Its enough

We can’t lick or stick; Kick us out….!!!

How Daring and Dashing our boys are..!!

We may miss it……………

The days of jocks; the days of knocks,

The days we proved-'friendship rocks',

The length and hight of our block…

The days of Hurt and heal…..

The days of Care and Share…..

The moments of Shouts and Sorrys’

The tales of real life Stories……

The easy talks…..And It’s oks’…..

How can we leave those……..

The unpartable –‘Hearts’

But non-portable Soules,

Yet, No choice for us, Upon it….

We have to depart…..

‘We do Cry’…..But eyes are Dry….

Hearts too…..But have to fly….

Away…far Away…..very far Away.

How can we ever miss it……??

The swings of BG, clicks of Clocks…

The moments of fun…calm and cool,

The moments of Pain, events of Gain,

The lessons thought by “them”.

How can we-ever forget it…

Which will never go vain……


Life’s Best Lessons are Learnt

By Blunders and Pains……

And forever it Remains…..

It remains and remains…….

It is the one which was written on the spot for my friends, on 17/03/07, the very last day of degree days……. It’s specially meant for all my beloved ones who made those most cheerful days of my life…..

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Whether it is Epic or History, if you glance across the various aspects of the people, during a war, you can surely find a number of rivers full of tears shed by women. Of course, there may be an ocean after the war. After all, “what is the power of these tears?”- It has been a mystery even to the scientists for a long time.

Being a little bit of sentimental, men are unable to-“help themselves, from helping women”, when they shower tears on them. More simply-“Women’s tears do tear Men’s heart”. Some people say ‘It is a weakness of a man and the strength of a woman’. However it is universally accepted that when a girl weeps in front of a man, his heart melts. As science has been so amicable, to touch everything-“Why should it leave this subject..??!!”. Here is a scientific approach to the subject!!!

The amount of that part of the heart, which melts is called ‘the critical amount’ of the heart. This is usually denoted by ‘Q’ and its SI unit is Kg. Further the amount of that part of the heart melted per second is called the rate of melting of that heart which is denoted by R with SI unit Kg/sec.

As the rate of melting of the heart is dependent on the rate of shedding of tears, sometimes a quality called, ‘Critical point of melting’ is also used. It is measured in litters and is defined as the quantity of tears shed, at which melting of heart starts. Its value depends on the mentality of the man. The amount of tears to be shed in order to raise the rate of melting of the heart, by one unit at its critical point of melting, is called latent tear of fusion of the heart. Its unit is lit/Kg sec.

As an early approach to the subject, a team of experts working in the Wiseman’s laboratory, UK, suggested a rule namely, Wiseman’s rule.

According to Wiseman’s rule,

Rate of melting of a man’s heart is directly proportional to,

  • the amount of tear shed by the girl (ɳ)
  • the beauty of the girl (β)

and inversely proportional to

  • the age of the girl (α)
  • the length of the girl( l)
  • the breadth of the girl(b)


R α ɳβ/αlb as length x breadth= Area

we have,

R= τ ɳβ/αA

where τ is a constant tear constant whose value is dependent on the girls.

But the value of R by this method does not satisfy the laboratory values.

Later on Betterman individually, suggested some corrections to the Wiseman’s rule. According him, the law of limiting factors is applicable to the above rule. According to this law, when a process is conditioned as to its rapidity, by a number of separate factors, the rate of the process is limited by the pace of the slowest factor.

Thus according to the wise-Better man’s rule,

“Under the constant pressure of mind, the rate of the melting of the heart of a normal man, is directly proportional to the product of the amount of the tears shed by the girl(ɳ), and the beauty of the girl(β) and is inversely proportional to the product of the age of the girl (α) and area of the girl(A), with in the limit”.


1) It has both the upper and the lower limits.

2) As both the limit and β are physiological quantities, exact values can not be derived.

3) β and ɳ have to be experimentally derived, which is the most hectic task in the whole process.

4) For stony hearts, rate of melting is also measured on gm/sec.

5) The amount of tears shed per second is called rate of shedding of tears.

6) Critical amount of the heart is independent of the rate of shedding of tears.

8) Betterman’s correction has succeeded only in reaching a near laboratory value.

9) Apart from the correction, the value being in accurate and deviating clearly indicates that the real strength of the tears can not be traced accurately.

7). There may be exemptions to these rules.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


“Good Morning”-We stood up,
The teacher announced, with pride,
“You need not pay for the stamp”,
A show of golden smile we did.

All my friends were waiting….
They ran to the shop nearby,
At the very next bell, when rang.
The bronze coin in my hand was dry.

And was hot but still waiting,
I pushed it into my deep pocket,
To my hut, my feet were walking,
Like a rifle-fired bullet.

“I kept it in your purse……”
I told my mom with the story,
“Have it! You may need it again”,
“No worry, I have pocket-money”

“Where is that…..-the new coin?”
Holding my hair, she made the enquiry,
Tear drops started to roll down-a Nine,
I answered, rather – ‘I…. did…. try’.

“Oh! Mom I tell you the fact,
Do believe, I lost it on the way”.
Then I tried to make my head erect,
“I did hide the fact-shyly”.

“I tell you”- She believed,
She took a breath and continued,
I tell you this with a great pride,
It was costly pearls she poured.

“Oh! My dear and dear child,
It’s a lesson to live in this world,
Never and never try to lie,
Nor even when- ‘you are going to die’.

With which you can’t overcome,
The miseries in life, when comes.
Don’t ‘try’ to tell a truth,
But do tell the truth and only truth.

It’s a gold which really worth,
Keep this word till your last breath”.
Once again, my hair-she did hold.
Now she kissed, wished and blessed.

Into my pocket she dropped a silver coin,
I thought-’I may lose it again’,
Only her wishes I wanted as a gain,
This relieves me from every pain!

This is as a tribute for all those great mothers and children who love and being loved…..
And to those who deserve such a love and shower such a sacred love…..
To that soul which trusts her child, even at every doubt….
To that mother who blindly TRUST her TRUST……

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

She is back.......?!!

Once again I saw her....yes, again
With that music of her lovely chain,
Just like a gentle stream of rain,
She smiled with the dimples on the chin.

That old warmth.... and concern.....?
Yes..., it is...there...they are still there,
I rubbed my eyelids.... “Am I dreaming?”
‘Oh! Its fact’.....She is here....So near!!!

I can hear her breath, feel its warmth
I can listen her heart’s words..........
Yes, it beats....Faster and faster.....
She feels me, it feels me...! -”That’s why!”

Under this very same banyan tree,
I had seen ,....twice.......before
It was here.... where she was in blue,
On that day......’I can’t forget her’

They were four and I was alone....
They were teasing her and I was helpless
She shouted....saw keenly towards me...
I stood up, but feet didn’t move.....

She shouted...I did shut my lips up...
She beckoned...I didn’t wake up....
They used all the worst words –abused,
Simply like a mad... I stood, unmoved...!!

Somewhere, we all six heard a siren,
Everyone vanished, except me and her.
Still......., the girl didn’t complain........!!
She put her Vail down......., walked.

She stopped for a while- and smiled,
‘I know it pained your heart’-her eyes said.
‘Yes, she read my heart, felt my feelings...’
Now, once again she walked and vanished.

Not even a single word was spoken,
But our eyes spoke a lot..........
Our hearts felt and beat a lot......
For me; it’s “A Lot.......”

Why it should Rain..............?!

It should rain.....rain.....and rain,
At least to wash away my pain,
For fun, when my thoughts are vain,
To flush the clouds, and let the stars shine.

To bring the warmth of a rainbow,
To help me, when my neck go for a bow,
At least, to help my poems to flow,
Like a music, for my thoughts to grow.

It should rain- when I am shy,
To suck my tears, when I do cry,
To wet my throat when it is dry,
To fill my heart with- joy.......!!

At least to discharge the cloud,
To save me from the thunder sound,
For nature it should rain-to remould,
It should rain to wet the ground.

To flush out the dirty thoughts,
To sow the seeds of peace,
To ripe the fruits of love,
To enrich the world with calmness.